Advanced Continuing Medical Education (CME) and Continuing Education (CE) Programs

We’re committed to providing comprehensive Continuing Education Unit (CEU), Continuing Medical Education (CME), and Continuing Education (CE) opportunities across various medical disciplines, including M.D. CME, R.N. CEU, and Paramedic CE, all free of charge. These programs are specifically designed for burn care professionals such as physicians, firefighters, nurses, psycho-social providers, and therapists.

In addition to conference-based education, we offer tailored online courses for specific conferences, with new CMEs developed in advance of each event.

The REACH Burn Foundation also serves as a CME verification provider, ensuring the highest standards of continuing medical education. We can make your meeting vetted to provide CME.

Earn Continuing Education Credits Online

Stay Current with Standards of Care

Continuing education is essential for U.S. and Canadian licensed professionals to stay up-to-date with the latest standards of care and emerging evidence-based skills and knowledge. That’s why we offer a comprehensive library of online continuing education videos specifically designed for burn professionals, ensuring they have access to the most current and relevant training.

Earn Continuing Education credits

Coming Soon: Our online CE program is currently being developed to deliver the best learning experience to our users.

Access a wide range of continuing education topics relevant to your profession. Each course details the number of hours you can earn upon completion and passing the associated quiz.

Complete courses and quizzes to earn CE hours at your convenience.

Conference CME Verification

 Partner with the REACH Burn Foundation to gain a trusted and seamless ally in CME verification for your upcoming conference.

CME Accreditations

Continuing medical education (CME) activities are planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Medical Association of Georgia (MAG) and the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME). Reach Burn Foundation is accredited by the Medical Association of Georgia to provide continuing medical education for physicians.