2024 Fall Adaptive Experience Application

REACH Burn Foun­da­tion is com­mit­ted to mak­ing a tan­gi­ble dif­fer­ence in the lives of sur­vivors, ensur­ing that our pro­grams empow­er them to thrive beyond their for­mal treatment.

Par­tic­i­pants 24 years or old­er, seize the chance to immerse your­self in a tai­lored pro­gram designed to match your out­door inter­ests and abil­i­ties. Redis­cov­er the joy of play and explo­ration, feel­ing as care­free and spir­it­ed as kids at heart. From kayak­ing to rock climb­ing, cycling, and team-focused activ­i­ties, our diverse range of offer­ings is metic­u­lous­ly craft­ed to fos­ter heal­ing and per­son­al growth. Bring your sense of adven­ture and com­radery as you embark on a jour­ney of empow­er­ment along­side a sup­port­ive community.

This inau­gur­al adap­tive sports retreat will be lim­it­ed to 10 peo­ple (equal ratio of males and females). Please com­plete the fol­low­ing ques­tion­naire to see if you may qual­i­fy for par­tic­i­pa­tion. The retreat will be held Sep­tem­ber 2nd through Sep­tem­ber 5th, 2024. All expens­es for the retreat, includ­ing trav­el to and from Col­orado, will be pro­vid­ed by the REACH Burn Foun­da­tion. Space is lim­it­ed, so please com­plete the appli­ca­tion no lat­er than July 10, 2024.

*Please note: This is a no alcohol/substance/drug event.

To be considered for participation, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Adults: 24 and older
  • Com­plete a health questionnaire
  • Cog­ni­tive abil­i­ty to under­stand and fol­low directions
  • No open wounds,
  • Abil­i­ty to com­plete per­son­al Activ­i­ties of Dai­ly Living
  • Min­i­mum of 12 months since ini­tial burn cen­ter hospitalization
  • Equal Num­ber Male/Female
  • The desire to chal­lenge cur­rent activ­i­ty com­fort zone
  • Enjoy out­door activ­i­ties (because it’s all outside)
  • Burned a min­i­mum of 20% that required impa­tient care at a burn center
  • No pul­monary or car­diac limitations
  • Social­ly recep­tive to meet new friends

Fall 2024 Adaptive Experience
- Apply today -