Selected Podcast Episodes for Continuing Education

The fol­low­ing list is rep­re­sen­ta­tive of the pod­cast con­tent that will be offered in our online CME.

  • What Is SJS And TEN
  • Acute Coro­nary Syn­drome: A Pre-Hos­pi­tal Perspective
  • Air Med­ical Trans­port Preparation
  • Air­way First Pass Suc­cess In The Burn Patient
  • Air­way Management
  • Auto Peep
  • Beyond Skin Graft­ing —  Alter­na­tive Meth­ods Of Wound Clo­sure Using Autol­o­gous Tissue
  • Burn Care His­to­ry With Dr David Herndon
  • Burn Injuries — A Dif­fer­ent Type Of Trauma
  • Burn Injuries And Stroke Alerts
  • Burn Mass Casu­al­ty Inci­dents — How To Bet­ter Prepare
  • Capnog­ra­phy — A Pow­er­ful Assess­ment Tool
  • Car­dio­vas­cu­lar Effects Of Burn Injuries Bed­side Application
  • Com­mon Infec­tions And Microor­gan­isms Found In Burn Care
  • Crew Resource Man­age­ment From Avi­a­tion To The ICU
  • Deep Vein Thrombosis
  • Delir­i­um Tremens
  • Heli­copter Safe­ty Inservice
  • Hypother­mia Pathophysiology
  • Hypother­mia Treatments
  • Inhala­tion Injury Review
  • Ini­tial Burn Wound Care And Assessments
  • Ini­tial Sur­gi­cal Treat­ment Of The Burn Patient
  • Ini­tial Wound Care And Assessments
  • Inno­v­a­tive Dress­ings In Burn Care
  • Mass Casu­al­ty Incidents
  • Men­tal Health Series — Burn Patient Reintegration
  • Men­tal Health Series — Increas­ing Resilience
  • Men­tal Health Series — PTSD Sup­port­ing Health­care Workers
  • Men­tal Health Series — The Envi­ron­ment We Oper­ate In And How It Affects Us
  • Men­tal Health Series — The Tools That Help Keep Us Sane
  • Music Ther­a­py — A Pos­i­tive Impact In Burn Care
  • Pain Man­age­ment In Burn Care
  • Pearls And Pit­falls Of Burn Care
  • Pre­vent­ing Com­pli­ca­tions In The Burn Patient
  • Pre­vent­ing Hypothermia
  • Renal Sup­port For The Acute­ly Burned Patient
  • The Impor­tance Of Acute Care Ther­a­pies In The Care Of The Burn Patient
  • The Impor­tance Of Documentation
  • The New Normal
  • Ven­ti­la­tor Strate­gies In Burn Patients
  • What Is A Pneu­moth­o­rax — What Does It Look Like And How Do You Treat It